Historial anual de juegos

La historia del Juego del Año es la siguiente:

2003: Madden NFL 2004;

Nominados: "Freedom Fighter", "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City ", The Legend of Zelda: Wand of Wind, SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs, Xtreme Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Splinter Cell y Tony Skateboard: Race Underground.

2004: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas";

Lista corta: Firepower 3", "Metal Gear Solid 3", "Half-Life 2", "Halo 2"

2005: Resident Evil 4";

Lista corta: "Los Increíbles", "El Fugitivo", "Call of Duty 2", "God of War", "World of Warcraft".

2006: "The Elder Scrolls". IV: Oblivion";

Lista corta: "Gears of War", "God of War", "World of Warcraft": "Gears of War" "Gears of War", "Guitar Hero 2", " Megami Tensei"

2007: "BioShock";

Nominados. Lista: "Halo 3", "Online", "PlayStation", "Megami Tensei": Halo 3", " Orange Box", "Mass Effect"

2008: "Grand Theft Auto". 4》;

Lista corta: "Fallout 3", "Grand Theft Auto 4: Fallout 3", "Gears of War 2", "Little Big Planet", "Metal Gear Solid 4: Patriots" Gun".

2009: "Uncharted 2: Across the Sea";

Lista corta : "Assassin's Creed 2", "Batman: Arkham Asylum", "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2", "Left 4 Dead 2"

2010: "Drakengard: Redemption"

Lista corta: Call of Duty 7: Black Ops". "God of War 3", "Halo: Expedition", "Mass Effect 2"

2011: "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim";

2011: "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim". : Skyrim";

Lista de nominaciones: Batman: Arkham City", "The Legend of Zelda: The Outer Sword", "Portal 2" , "Uncharted 3: El "engaño" de Drake.

2012: "The Walking Dead";

Lista de nominaciones: "Assassin's Creed 3", "Dishonored", "Mass Effect 3" , "Journey"

2013: Bioshock Infinite", "Super Mario 3D World", "The Last of Us", "Tomb Raider 9"

2014: Dragon Age: Inquisition;

Lista corta: Bayonetta 2", "Dark Souls 2", "Hearthstone", "La Tierra Media: Sombras de Mordor": Sombra de Mordor".

2015: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt;

Nominaciones: Bloodborne, Fallout 4, Super Mario Maker, Metal Gear Solid V: Fantasy Pain".

2016: "Overwatch";

Lista corta: "Doom 4", "In": Doom 4", "Inside", "Titanfall 2", "Uncharted 4: A Thief's Fin".

2017: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild";

Lista finalista: "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild": Super Mario: Odyssey", " "PlayerUnknown's Campos de batalla", "Persona 5", "Horizon: Dead by Daylight": Dawn of the Dead.

2018: "God of War 4";

Lista corta: "Marvel's Spider-Man"

Lista corta: "God of War 4: Odyssey", "Monster Hunter: Mundo", "Celeste".

2019: "Sekiro: Shadow Dead II";

Nominadas: "Control", "Death Stranding: Control", "Death Stranding", "Super Smash Bros." , "Resident Evil 2: Remake", "Skyward Sword".

2020: "Monta. Animal-senpai, Animal-senpai", "Doom: Eternal", "Final Fantasy 7: Remake", "Ghost of Tsushima", "Hades".


2021: Dos personas";

Lista corta: Death Loop", "Mithridas Survival Fear", "Inside Out 2", "Ratchet & Clank", " Time Jump", " Resident Evil: Salto en el tiempo", "Resident Evil 8: Village"
